Friday, March 22, 2013

Back From "Vacation"!!

Hey Everybody!!

I want to apologize for the LONG hiatus. I'm up to 800+ view which means you guys are continuously checking for Kayy Clothing! No worries, I have plenty of goodies coming for you!

During my "vacation" I celebrated my 21st birthday (Heyyy now!). My mom threw me an Ebbie Kayy/ Kayy Clothing themed party (which I'm STILL thanking her for) with my family and closest friends. The biggest surprise was my Kayy Clothing cake that I still haven't, and probably won't, cut in to :)

The peplum dress is an edible recreation of the peplum dress I made in class. Oh, peep the logo too! There was also a table with collages of all my creations and products and candy bars with the blog link on them.

So cute right?!?! The best birthday thus far. I had so much fun and am still talking about it to this day lol.

My birthday dress was created by yours truly. My lovely Granny helped out too!

After all the fun was over, I headed back to school where I had to create a vest pattern from scratch. Of course I chose to create my favorite thing - a peplum! I created the bodice with style lines called Princess Lines which give the bodice a tighter fit. It wasn't my best creation sewing wise but I received a 95/100 on it (Go ME!).

Lastly, I took it upon myself to create tags for my products. Nothing's more official than a tag with your name on it!! 
"Follow your dreams so that one day
the itchy tag in my clothes
will have your name in them"
-Dionna Haney
(Very good, fashionable friend of mine)

Now that we're all updated and caught up, it's time to get back to work! Keep checking back for more Kayy Clothing and Accessories. 



  1. I love it!!


  2. Omg I'm so proud of you girl. Your site is amazing and so are ur creations. U keep doin wat ur're gonna be very successful.
